Wednesday, October 01, 2008


In a couple weeks Nathan will turn 3. He has been a huge joy for us...from his undying passion for his "passy" and "blankie" to his little voice saying all his "r's" as "w's" (cow=car, jafow=Jafar, powk=park), he has given us many moments of laughter. He loves to throw the frisbee and watch "cowtoons" as well as setting up his tracks and running his Thomas trains. But our little boy is growing by the minute and his 3rd birthday is right around the corner. Gone will be his passy and he will outgrow his "backa shoes" (basketball shoes). But I am excited to see what kind of young man he grows up to be. He has a sweet heart and loves to have us around "just right down in the base-a-ment, playing with me!" He carries a little bit of the defiance that is found on Amber's side of the family (not MINE of course :)) but he needs it to fend off the vast amounts of estrogen surrounding him on all sides. Can't wait to see what the Lord does with his life!